Tuesday, January 22, 2013



People are different, people are strange - I know the world has crazies
But I don't understand this increasing trend of people becoming lazies
Dead minds, excuses, and no hard work are things that people should fear
Maybe this is a definite sign that the zombie apocalypse is near

- Sherry Hill


I believe it's important to not be so full of ourselves. People help you along the way. So let's not be lazy about giving thanks. Here are my appreciations for this post:

Drummers  - The last drum jam at the dance studio was awesome!  I would like to thank the drummers for an incredible performance. You worked up some great beats and rhythms, and I felt the vibe when dancing to them. I'm excited about transitioning to a new dance location and hope for many great drum jams in the future. Opa!

Marathon Participants - Thank you for participating in the Houston Marathon! ! I enjoyed your spirit and determination. I had a wonderful time dancing and cheering you on. And thanks to the regular marathon participant who always gives the dancers flowers.


The Workplace

In the workplace, some people need close supervision all the time. They're lazy. They'll only do work when their supervisor is up in their face. That's a shame. I'm glad I'm not like that. I prefer to use my brain. I want to get better at what I do. I want to learn new skills. I take initiative.  I don't understand people who slack at work. How can they not do anything all day? I would be bored stiff. Plus, they're messing up the workflow. So much for teamwork.

I bet you can find at least one person (perhaps two people) in the workplace that's a slacker, and I hope it's not you.  It's okay to chill at times but don't be lazy at work.

Do you find yourself getting lazy? Maybe someone called you lazy and that you need to get off your butt. Perhaps you're not accomplishing your goals like you should. Are you blaming the government for everything? Well, it's time for you to tackle your excessive Z-ness. I hope this tip helps you.

Tip - Label! Yes, labeling helps. Sometimes people get lazy because things aren't organized. They don't know where stuff is and that's an excuse for them to not do anything. Or they focus on finding that one thing and forget about the other tasks that should be done. I found some labels when I cleaned out junk one day. I decided to use them. I used them to label folders for my manuscripts. I used them to label boxes so I know what's in them.

Try it! You don't have to label every single thing - unless you're learning a language. Check out the different kinds of labels and select according to your needs.

Because sometimes you need to chill

Tip - Don't go on Facebook for a day. Yes, I know it's important to update your status on your relationship(s), food, jokes, kids, and your life. I know it's important to like and comment on everything. Even play the games. Really, I get it. But chill off Facebook for a day. Try having a person-to person conversation. How about writing a letter?  If you're having some withdrawal problems, just take a deep breath, take a walk, or give someone a hug.

Movie  - Zombie Apocalypse (2012)

It was an okay movie. It had some slow parts which I tolerated because of the incredible special effects. The zombies' acting was great and the makeup was superb.  I really loved the chainshaw scene and the zombie ambushes. Ving Rhames is the best living actor in the movie.This movie also made me look at archery as a possible hobby.

Book - Dead Inside Do Not Enter: Notes from the Zombie Apocalypse
A Lost Zombies Book - I loved this book! It's a collection of correspondence found in a backpack. The writers were victims of the zombie apocalypse. Some of the correspondence were funny, insightful, and sad. The notes looked so real. I especially loved the timeline in the beginning of the book because it's so believable. I want to read more books like this.

Music - Swiss Glide by Michna

This song makes me feel like I'm a zombie buster on a chase.



lackadaisical (adj)

1. without interest, vigor, or determination; listless; lethargic: a lackadaisical attempt.
2. lazy; indolent: a lackadaisical fellow.

lackadaisical. Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/lackadaisical (accessed: January 17, 2013).


Mark couldn't wait to hire the trained zombies since he desperately needed to replace his lackadaisical employees.

Learning Moment

Research makes a better story. I know it sounds basic, but it's true. I'm revising one of my zombie manuscripts, and the story is so much better due to research.  My characters are more believable and have depth. I can't wait to finish revising because I see that the story will be a great one. 

Not only does research make a story better - it also gives me new ideas for more stories, and it feels good knowing that I gained knowledge.

Saturday, January 5, 2013



For some reason, I'm into zombies. I don't know why. Perhaps it was the classic movie, The Night of the Living Dead, or the funny B- zombie movies that did me in.  Maybe zombies bring out my greatest fears - dying a painful death, not being able to learn new things,and being reduced to a cannibal with no sense of consciousness. I do love other creatures such as  vampires and ghosts, but zombies are my favorite creatures.


The new year has come, and I've come to this conclusion
Don't make much of a fuss when making resolutions
Simply dream, inspire, and learn - do what your heart feels
Work hard, try your best, and don't forget to chill

- Sherry Hill


I believe it's important to not be so full of ourselves. People help you along the way. So let's not be lazy about giving thanks. Here are my appreciations for this 1st blog:

My writer friend - I would like to thank my writer friend for encouraging me to do a blog. It was quite fun organizing this. I'm excited about updating information so people can learn and chill out. She takes the time to critique my short stories and novel chapters, and I enjoy reading and critiquing hers. I'm grateful to have her support.

1st Responders - I would like to thank all 1st responders. You deal with different personalities and attitudes. And no matter if people are distressed, hurt, frantic, emotional, or rude; you always have to be on your game. Being calm and knowing what to do is commendable. I appreciate that.


End of the World

No way. I have many stories to write. I have so many ideas. I also need to dance, inspire, and learn more. So many things to do.

I'm so glad that I didn't see many people moping around claiming that their whole lives were miserable and a waste of time. I was happy to see parties happening and people smiling before and after the "end of the world".  I believe it's important to live life to the fullest.  Everyone should spend more time enjoying life and less time griping about it. 


Before making resolutions, I feel it's important to note accomplishments of the previous year. Here are mine.
  • Completed and submitted six manuscripts
  • Participated in NaNovMo - it helped me to stop editing every paragraph when drafting
  • Met with writers in several critique groups, listened to feedback, and critiqued other writers' work
  • Performed more dance solos
  • Read more books (fiction and nonfiction)
  • Learned more about the Black Death (The Great Plague) and the medieval time period through research
  • Learned basic Italian - I know greetings, colors, numbers, vehicles, some body parts, and simple verbs
  • Found my digital recorder and put it to good use
  • Chilled more
My resolutions for 2013 are simply this: Read, write, dance, inspire, learn, work hard, and chill.

What are your accomplishments and resolutions?

Do you find yourself getting lazy? Maybe someone called you lazy and that you need to get off your butt. Perhaps you're not accomplishing your goals like you should. Are you blaming the government for everything? Well, it's time for you to tackle your excessive Z-ness. I hope this tip helps you.

Tip - Make a To-Do List

Not keeping track of what needs to be done can make a person too lazy. Try using a to-do list. Everyday write down at least five goals. As soon as you complete a goal, cross it out. Don't put mundane things like taking a shower, brushing and flossing your teeth, or using the bathroom - You're supposed to do these things everyday. Write down real goals. Here's my example:

1. Read three chapters of - Dearly Departed by Lia Habel (That's what I'm reading right now)
2. Choreograph two combos for solo
3. Write two chapters of zombie novel
4. Go to library to research stages of decomposition
5. Practice dance troupe routine

Reward yourself: When you complete all goals for a day, give yourself a star. After so many stars (like 10-20), give yourself a treat.

Here are some of my treats for examples:
Big Mac, extra scoop of gelato, chocolate, glass of wine, pizza, new hair or clothing accessory, music, something from the $1.00 store

Because sometimes you need to chill

Tip - Don't answer your cell phone for a day - just chill. If someone hounds you later about not answering your phone, just simply say, "It was my chill time." I recommend you put a chill greeting on your phone. Here's an example: "Hello, you have reached (your name) mailbox. I'm sorry. I'm unable to answer the phone during my chill time, so leave a message. I'll return your call tomorrow. Thank you and chill out."

Movie -  Shaun of the Dead (2004)

This zombie movie was so funny. My favorite parts were the singing scene, the backyard scene, and the dying stepdad scene. Check it out!

Book - Aftertime  (2011) by Sophie Littlefield  - I like this zombie book. My favorite chapters are 28 and 41. Smoke is my favorite character. Check it out and chill.

Music - "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" by Daft Punk

This song reminds me to always better myself.




1. to overcome with fear; intimidate
2. to lessen the courage of; dishearten

"daunt." Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 04 Jan. 2013. <Dictionary.com http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/daunt>.

The zombie's drooling and hungry eyes did not daunt Samuel; he tried to spark a sense of humanity within them by using his soft and calm voice.

Learning Moment

I learned that writing a draft in bed is not productive for me. I don't get much accomplished. I end up going to sleep after writing two paragraphs. I was wondering why I hadn't made progress on this horror story I'm writing. Now I know. If I need to get some real work done, I need to write in a chair.