The Z Instinct
Hi! I'm Sherry. I'm a writer. Thank you for reading my blog! This blog is about the Z instinct - the Zombie instinct. It's inside all of us. We have a need to be lazy or just chill. Some people are way too lazy and need strategies to use their brains more. Some people are hardworking all the time and take life too seriously. In this blog, I comment about my observations and give suggestions on how to use and relax your brain. Remember to work hard, chill, and balance.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
The Chilling Corner
Sniggerless Boundulations by Morgan Bell
3 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from storycartel in exchange for a review.
This book is a collection of short stories that expressed life lessons and observations. My favorite stories were "The Dermoid Cyst" and "The Package". The endings for some stories were thought-provoking. For some stories, I had difficulty determining the point and felt those stories needed development. Overall, some of the stories were engaging and some were not, but the collection had a nice variety of stories.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
The Chilling Corner

The Last Virgin Alive by Stephanie Crosby
2 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from storycartel in exhange for a review.
This book had great voice, and the theme is good.
Belaboring of the character's points was too much and it slowed the pace at too many points in the book. I felt that her dialogue were repeated in different ways without moving forward. Some of the sentence structure was awkward, and I was distracted by the lack of needed punctuation and correct formatting.
This book has potential because the theme is good, people can relate to the character regarding self-image, and the ending was cute. With some polish, and more character development and setting, I believe the book can be incredible.

The Last Virgin Alive by Stephanie Crosby
2 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from storycartel in exhange for a review.
This book had great voice, and the theme is good.
Belaboring of the character's points was too much and it slowed the pace at too many points in the book. I felt that her dialogue were repeated in different ways without moving forward. Some of the sentence structure was awkward, and I was distracted by the lack of needed punctuation and correct formatting.
This book has potential because the theme is good, people can relate to the character regarding self-image, and the ending was cute. With some polish, and more character development and setting, I believe the book can be incredible.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Bling Bling
A zombie wanted to fit in and get in the mood for spring
So he tried to sparkle and be cool by wearing some bling-bling
People stopped running from him to smile and laugh for hours
The scene was way better than the fresh air and blooming flowers
Bling Bling
A zombie wanted to fit in and get in the mood for spring
So he tried to sparkle and be cool by wearing some bling-bling
People stopped running from him to smile and laugh for hours
The scene was way better than the fresh air and blooming flowers
By Sherry Hill
Sparkle Time
Take time to sparkle
Smile more and laugh often
Reflect and love life
By Sherry Hill
believe it's important to not be so full of ourselves. People help you
along the way. So let's not be lazy about giving thanks.
I appreciate the great company at the annual Memorial Day get-together I attend every year. It was nice to sit out in the patio and converse with other people. I enjoyed the jokes, the laughing, the smiling, and of course, the chilling. The BBQ and the food was absolutely delicious. Looking forward to the next get-together!
I appreciate the great company at the annual Memorial Day get-together I attend every year. It was nice to sit out in the patio and converse with other people. I enjoyed the jokes, the laughing, the smiling, and of course, the chilling. The BBQ and the food was absolutely delicious. Looking forward to the next get-together!
scintillation - n.
A spark; a flash
A flash of light produced in a phosphor by absorption of an ionizing particle or photon.
"scintillation." Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. 30 May. 2014. <>.
The zombie started remembering his past life ever since he saw scintillating images in the night sky.
Learning Moment
I learned I relax and chill more effectively in a rocking chair. At the Memorial Day get-together, I rocked in a rocking chair while enjoying the company and scenery. The chair also turned all the way around which was really cool. I felt so relaxed and at ease. I'm going to have to purchase a rocking chair. It's so soothing to me.
The zombie started remembering his past life ever since he saw scintillating images in the night sky.
Learning Moment
I learned I relax and chill more effectively in a rocking chair. At the Memorial Day get-together, I rocked in a rocking chair while enjoying the company and scenery. The chair also turned all the way around which was really cool. I felt so relaxed and at ease. I'm going to have to purchase a rocking chair. It's so soothing to me.
Because sometimes you need to chill
3 Hours Before Breakfast: What is Getting up Early Worth and How Can You Adopt This Habit by Gopesh Sethi
5 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a
This short book has great tips which helped motivate me in waking
up early. Some of the tips I've heard before, but I also learned some new tips
which I will implement. I loved the relevant quotes at the beginning of each
chapter. The book was clear, easy to read, and to the point. The author gave
some suggestions on what could be done in unhurried time and what to do when
having sleep trouble. Although the book was a quick read, the suggestions were
helpful and made a lot of sense.
Stress Less: 10 Balancing Insights on Work and Life by Amy Freeman, Ph.D.
4 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
Most of the principles in the book I've heard before, but they are good advice. This book is good for people who want basic information or need a basic process for managing stress.
I love the different options of getting more information - such as scanning QR codes with smartphones and Youtube videos. This helps a variety of learners
Worksheets are provided. There's a reflection activity after each chapter. The author provided examples and perspectives which helped me connect to her.
I would have like more realistic options besides using friends and relatives (for example) since some may be too busy or unreliable. Perhaps a list of affordable sources would be helpful or more ideas.
The resources at the end of the book were helpful. Overall, this book is good for people who have no starting point of managing stress.
by Laura Greenwood
4 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
This book was easy-to-read and cute. The awakening part was quite steamy, and I enjoyed the characters. The combination of fairy tales characters such as Hansel and Gretel was a nice surprise and helped add substance to the story. The drinking scene with Keira, Phillip, Hansel and Gretel was wicked and exciting.
There were some typos/spelling errors, and in some parts I felt that the author should use stronger words, but for the most part, it was an engaging story. I'm interested to know more about Keira and Phillip's relationship and more about Hansel and Gretel's story.
The Thin Places: Supernatural Tales of the Unseen by Laura K. Cowan
3 out of 5 stars
I enjoyed most of the short stories in this collection. I connected with the characters. Some of the stories were thought-provoking, suspenseful, and ended well, but I had to re-read a few stories because I was confused with the details. For the most part, I got it on the second read, but some stories I just didn't get.
I enjoyed the variety. Some stories had religious elements. Some were weird and fun. Overall, most of the stories had a definite message, but some needed more clarity.

Obliging Fairies of Love & Romance by Heather Leigh Hunt
5 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exhange for a review.
This book is so funny! I enjoyed the different types of fairies that are essential to relationships. I loved the short chapters and the drawings. I especially loved the State of Virginia chapter. There is even helpful relationship advice in this book. I appreciate the homework and ideas at the end of the book. Overall, this book made me smile, and I gained a greater appreciation of fairies.

5 out of 5 stars
I received a free copy from in exchange for a review.
This is a great collection of stories. The stories were thought-provoking and believable. They made me think of legal challenges in the future world and brought up situations I've never thought about.
There were three sections of the book, and I love the categories. The stories were a variety of lengths. Some stories were funny. Some strange.
I did have some trouble with the amount of legal terminology in the stories and I had to re-read certain sections; but the stories were so well-written and interesting that I had to read on.

Eternal Redemption by Paul A. Wunderlich
5 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exhchange for a review.
This was an excellent novella. The words flowed well and got my attention. The descriptions and actions were vivid and captivating. I felt the pain and desperation of the characters. I was fascinated with the Devil's capabilities.
The novella ended well. Although the ending was a little predictable because of similar books I've read and the Devil's reputation, it was so well-written that it left me breathless.
Diamonds (In the Sky) - by Rihanna
This song always reminds me to sparkle. The song is easy to learn and is a great sing-along.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
The Chilling Corner
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
This book had useful information. I particularly liked the marketing plan and suggestions. The author included useful websites for hiring professionals such as editors and illustrators. For formatting an e-book, she gave a few guidelines and referred the rest to the Amazon website. The information about keywords, categories, and pricing was helpful. Screenshots were used throughout the book to help explain the steps. She explained how KDP can be helpful for marketing. I would've liked for her to also include the disadvantages of KDP to be balanced. That way, authors can make the best decision.
Overall, it's a good book for beginners. The marketing information was the best part of the book.
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
This book had useful information. I particularly liked the marketing plan and suggestions. The author included useful websites for hiring professionals such as editors and illustrators. For formatting an e-book, she gave a few guidelines and referred the rest to the Amazon website. The information about keywords, categories, and pricing was helpful. Screenshots were used throughout the book to help explain the steps. She explained how KDP can be helpful for marketing. I would've liked for her to also include the disadvantages of KDP to be balanced. That way, authors can make the best decision.
Overall, it's a good book for beginners. The marketing information was the best part of the book.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
The Chilling Corner
Around a Different Corner by Jay Nabonne
I received a copy from in exchange for a review.
Based on cover picture, I thought the stories would be ordinary. I decided to give this book a chance since the title was interesting. I'm glad I decided to read it. The short stories inside were quite engaging. I like the stories because they were diverse and touching. Some were weird. Some were sad. Some were uplifting. The stories had the right amount of details for the length and flowed well. With some stories, I had to read back to get details I've missed since the endings had twists. I love these stories because the endings were unexpected. They opened my mind.
Around a Different Corner by Jay Nabonne
I received a copy from in exchange for a review.
Based on cover picture, I thought the stories would be ordinary. I decided to give this book a chance since the title was interesting. I'm glad I decided to read it. The short stories inside were quite engaging. I like the stories because they were diverse and touching. Some were weird. Some were sad. Some were uplifting. The stories had the right amount of details for the length and flowed well. With some stories, I had to read back to get details I've missed since the endings had twists. I love these stories because the endings were unexpected. They opened my mind.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Love is in the Air
I noticed you when I was doing research
You looked good from the front and behind
But someone else got to you first
So much for you being mine
I noticed you when I was doing research
You looked good from the front and behind
But someone else got to you first
So much for you being mine
By Sherry Hill
I love you, Journal
Always there for me to write
Sharing my ideas
By Sherry Hill
believe it's important to not be so full of ourselves. People help you
along the way. So let's not be lazy about giving thanks.
I appreciate my local library's idea of "Blind Date with a Book". The participants had to select a book that was covered in brown paper wrapping with a brief description. The rules were to unwrap the book at home (like a date), read the book by the end of the month, and write comments about the book for a chance to win something at a drawing.
I was filled with anticipation. I couldn't wait to get home. It was like looking forward to a date. I was hoping the book was great and did not have any deal breakers. I selected young adult book titled Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King. I've been reading it, and it's good so far.
I love this idea. It made me select a book I wouldn't normally choose. It's nice to see what other books are out there.
I was filled with anticipation. I couldn't wait to get home. It was like looking forward to a date. I was hoping the book was great and did not have any deal breakers. I selected young adult book titled Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King. I've been reading it, and it's good so far.
I love this idea. It made me select a book I wouldn't normally choose. It's nice to see what other books are out there.
I sort of did the blind date thing with DVDs at the library. Every once in awhile, I go to the DVD section, close my eyes, and put my finger on a movie. The ones I tend to pick are the movies I don't want to see, so I changed my rule. Now I select a movie left or right of what my finger selected. You should try this. I picked out some interesting movies this way.
pulchritudinous adjective
physically beautiful; comely.
| |
"pulchritudinous." Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. 09 Feb. 2014. <>. | |
The zombie cried after comparing his appearance to the pulchritudinous crowd.
Learning Moment
I learned the structure and writing styles of movies, graphic novels, television, short stories, and novels at a writer's conference. I also learned techniques on how to build a platform.
In addition, I learned communication skills since the presenters were smooth, articulate, and effective.
I also learned about resources to build a website from my one of my friends. I am now motivated to build my website so I can build my platform.
The zombie cried after comparing his appearance to the pulchritudinous crowd.
Learning Moment
I learned the structure and writing styles of movies, graphic novels, television, short stories, and novels at a writer's conference. I also learned techniques on how to build a platform.
In addition, I learned communication skills since the presenters were smooth, articulate, and effective.
I also learned about resources to build a website from my one of my friends. I am now motivated to build my website so I can build my platform.
Because sometimes you need to chill

The Unbelievable Story of How I Met Your Mother by Preston Randall
5 out of 5 stars
I received a copy from the author in exchange for a review.This is a great short story. The cause and effect relationships made this story a page-turner. The relationships and the actions of the characters intertwined. The story was told in a humorous yet serious tone. In the process, I learned some things about food poisoning and its effects. I also learned about the power of reaching out and getting involved.
Through the interactions, the greater purpose of Daniel was still in my mind. The story flowed nicely, and the plot was well-thought out.
The ending made me smile. When I was reading, I was wondering why the story was named so. It made perfect sense.
The Hookup List by Dakota Madison
5 out of 5 stars
I received a copy from in exchange for a review.
I love the inspiration for the book as explained in the beginning. The
book had a nice flow and excellent pacing. The Shakespearean quotes
added a nice touch to the story.
I think "sexy grin" was used too much, but the book was still well-written. The ending was a little convenient, but the conflicts allowed the characters to shine. The author did a great job with conflicts and made the characters realistic.
The Bullies' Predatory Footprint by Terri Ryan
5 out of 5 stars
I received a copy from in exchange for a review.
This is an informative and thorough book about bullying. I learned different terms for different kinds of bullying, explanations of bullying behavior, and the level of legal support. The book covers all sorts of bullying such as school, workplace, and elder abuse. It also learned about different measures different countries are taking to minimize bullying.
The role of technology and the effects of bullying were helpful in understanding this problem. It was an eye opener to see what was happening worldwide. This book effectively increased my awareness of bullying.
Little Deaths (2011)
This song is dedicated to the people who are riding solo this Valentine's month. It has such a catchy beat that brings smiles even if you're alone.
TOO MUCH Z-NESS?Do you find yourself getting lazy? Maybe someone called you lazy and that you need to get off your butt. Perhaps you're not accomplishing your goals like you should. Are you blaming the government for everything? Well, it's time for you to tackle your excessive Z-ness. I hope this tip helps you.
I have a lot of junk in my trunk. But I'm not only talking about my butt. I'm also talking about the stuff in my car trunk. I've gotten way too lazy. My trunk has gotten to the ridiculous level of disorganization. If I need to find something in there, it will take a long moment to find it . . . if it's even in there.
I think "sexy grin" was used too much, but the book was still well-written. The ending was a little convenient, but the conflicts allowed the characters to shine. The author did a great job with conflicts and made the characters realistic.

5 out of 5 stars
I received a copy from in exchange for a review.
This is an informative and thorough book about bullying. I learned different terms for different kinds of bullying, explanations of bullying behavior, and the level of legal support. The book covers all sorts of bullying such as school, workplace, and elder abuse. It also learned about different measures different countries are taking to minimize bullying.
The role of technology and the effects of bullying were helpful in understanding this problem. It was an eye opener to see what was happening worldwide. This book effectively increased my awareness of bullying.
Little Deaths (2011)
This movie is an excellent anthology of dark horror. I particularly like the last story. The revenge was excellent. This movie is not for kids, though. There's a lot of sexual situations. The stories were weird and thought-provoking.
One of the director/writers in the interview section stated that there's really not a need to explain everything and give a lot of background information. He said it just ends up being BS. He has a point. It make the plot more exciting and weird. I will think about this when I write my stories.
"Riding Solo" by Jason Derulo
TOO MUCH Z-NESS?Do you find yourself getting lazy? Maybe someone called you lazy and that you need to get off your butt. Perhaps you're not accomplishing your goals like you should. Are you blaming the government for everything? Well, it's time for you to tackle your excessive Z-ness. I hope this tip helps you.
I have a lot of junk in my trunk. But I'm not only talking about my butt. I'm also talking about the stuff in my car trunk. I've gotten way too lazy. My trunk has gotten to the ridiculous level of disorganization. If I need to find something in there, it will take a long moment to find it . . . if it's even in there.
Are you like this? Do you find that the stuff in your car trunk is like an additional storage unit to your home? Well, here's some tips for you that works for me.
- Start taking out stuff in the middle to have better access to your spare tire. Get this done immediately! You never know when you need access to your spare. One day I had to change my tire. Clearing all that mess was so frustrating.
- Have several garbage bags handy to put the junk in. Bring it to your home to organize. Each time you go home, make a habit of also bringing in some junk.
- Use bags to organize. I use the grocery reusable bags.
- Keep in mind the necessities that should belong in your trunk such as: flashlight, tools, change of clothes and underwear, toiletries, sanitary products, and of course safety pins. You just never know.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Birthday Grub
Birthday Food
Had a great birthday, had some good grub
Love the sweets and food from friends and birthday clubs
It's all so delicious - the chocolate I am bound
Just need to work harder to lose these excess pounds
Birthday Food
Had a great birthday, had some good grub
Love the sweets and food from friends and birthday clubs
It's all so delicious - the chocolate I am bound
Just need to work harder to lose these excess pounds
By Sherry Hill
Chocolate Birthday Treat
Love the chocolate
So creamy and delicious
A great birthday treat
- By Sherry Hill
I believe it's important to not be so full of ourselves. People help you along the way. So let's not be lazy about giving thanks.
I like to thank my family and friends for a wonderful birthday. On my birthday, I had a chance to belly dance and cheer at the Houston marathon. It's always so exciting! This year, the belly dancers was moved to a different mile marker, and it was a wonderful spot. The participants and the volunteers were magnificent. I also appreciated the construction workers across the street who enjoyed the dancing.
I would also like to thank the businesses who offered treats from their birthday clubs. Here are the list of businesses where I received yummy food and sweets:
Scholotzsky's - free sandwich
Baskin Robbins - free scoop of ice cream
Firehouse Subs - free sandwich Fuddruckers - free 1/3 burger (after purchasing entree equal or less in price)
Dairy Queen - buy 1 blizzard, get one free
I appreciated these treats even though I gained a couple of pounds. I was smart enough not to eat everything at once. Most of the birthday coupons expired one week after birthday, so that was helpful. I especially loved the Fuddruckers's staff because they gave me a cheery, birthday wish.
If you're interested for treats for your birthday, go to the websites and sign-up for the birthday clubs.
I like to thank my family and friends for a wonderful birthday. On my birthday, I had a chance to belly dance and cheer at the Houston marathon. It's always so exciting! This year, the belly dancers was moved to a different mile marker, and it was a wonderful spot. The participants and the volunteers were magnificent. I also appreciated the construction workers across the street who enjoyed the dancing.
I would also like to thank the businesses who offered treats from their birthday clubs. Here are the list of businesses where I received yummy food and sweets:
Scholotzsky's - free sandwich
Baskin Robbins - free scoop of ice cream
Firehouse Subs - free sandwich Fuddruckers - free 1/3 burger (after purchasing entree equal or less in price)
Dairy Queen - buy 1 blizzard, get one free
I appreciated these treats even though I gained a couple of pounds. I was smart enough not to eat everything at once. Most of the birthday coupons expired one week after birthday, so that was helpful. I especially loved the Fuddruckers's staff because they gave me a cheery, birthday wish.
If you're interested for treats for your birthday, go to the websites and sign-up for the birthday clubs.
ebullient | |||
— adj | |||
1. | overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement; exuberant | ||
2. | boiling |
"ebullient." Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper, Historian. 02 Feb. 2014. <>.
When Mark received the grant for zombie productivity research, no one could spoil his ebullient attitude.
Because sometimes you need to chill
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
like the way the book organized into the different seasons. Most of the
prompts I feel are for young children and teenagers (based on the
content and the way prompts were phrased), but they can work for adults
as well. The prompts helped me with setting and point of view which are
valuable for writing. Some of the prompts had some facts and history
that were educational. The best prompts for me was in the Mixed Bag
Overall, I enjoyed the book. It helped me to think about setting and mood. I loved the way it was organized into different seasons. This book will be great for young children/teenagers.
Overall, I enjoyed the book. It helped me to think about setting and mood. I loved the way it was organized into different seasons. This book will be great for young children/teenagers.

5 out of 5 stars
I received a copy from the author in exchange for a review.
I enjoyed this book. The author did a great job of building suspense especially in the beginning. I was wondering what was Rachel's secret. This was one the reasons why this book was a page-turner. The main characters and the plot were also well-developed.
I was a little thrown off with Part 2 since it was back in the past, but I understood the style after I finished reading it. The details all fit together nicely with just the right amount of background information. Since the book was well-written, I was still turning pages to the end.
Overall, this book have great suspense and wonderful characters.

How to Write for Kindle: A Non-Fiction Book in 72-Hours or Less by Nancy Hendrickson
3 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
This book is geared for nonfiction writers. Even though I am mainly a fiction writer, I got some value from this book. The resources about research, distraction-free tools, and formatting were useful, but the strategy on fast-quality writing was too basic.
The book did not focus on grammar, but I appreciated the grammar rule about participle phrases. That information was nice to know.
I loved the suggestions on how to obtain book reviews. These are tips that I could use. The author also gave helpful information about the upsides and downsides of Amazon opitons.
Overall, this book was helpful with the resources, but I felt the fast-quality writing strategy was too basic to be a book topic.
TOO MUCH Z-NESS?Do you find yourself getting lazy? Maybe someone called you lazy and that you need to get off your butt. Perhaps you're not accomplishing your goals like you should. Are you blaming the government for everything? Well, it's time for you to tackle your excessive Z-ness. I hope this tip helps you.
I have so many things to do. I have to read, write, dance, practice, blog, research, exercise, chill, and work. I also need to get on the ball with practicing Italian and Spanish, sewing, making freezer meals, and working on my website. There is so little time as most people would say. Are you in this position?
Well, I find that organization is extremely helpful. A couple of weeks ago, I cleared an area in my home for writing space. I cleared the junk from a nearby bookcase and stocked it with writing resources and journals. My writing is becoming more of a habit because I have this space just for writing. This area helped me make set a schedule since I now have somewhere to go.
I also cleared an area for exercise with gadgets nearby (step, ball, weights, mat, stretch bands). This helped me to set an exercise schedule since I have somewhere to go.
Now I need to work on the the other things. I feel good since I'm on the right track.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Fresh Start
Even though I didn't accomplish all my goals from last year
I will start this year fresh with no anxiety or fear
Just need to move forward and not dwell on the before
And make sure I read, write, dance, and appreciate life more
Even though I didn't accomplish all my goals from last year
I will start this year fresh with no anxiety or fear
Just need to move forward and not dwell on the before
And make sure I read, write, dance, and appreciate life more
- By Sherry Hill
Loving the knowledge
When I research and read books
To improve my craft
- By Sherry Hill
believe it's important to not be so full of ourselves. People help you
along the way. So let's not be lazy about giving thanks.
I've been taking advantage of opportunities to critique, beta-read, and write reviews on stories and novels. I feel honored to have writers trust me to help them become better writers by writing honest reviews. Giving me the opportunity to give feedback is something I appreciate.

Social Elephant: New Rules for Making Friends in Our Changing Social Economy by Kia Wakefield
5 out of 5 stars
TOO MUCH Z-NESS?Do you find yourself getting lazy? Maybe someone called you lazy and that you need to get off your butt. Perhaps you're not accomplishing your goals like you should. Are you blaming the government for everything? Well, it's time for you to tackle your excessive Z-ness. I hope this tip helps you.
Because sometimes you need to chill

Social Elephant: New Rules for Making Friends in Our Changing Social Economy by Kia Wakefield
5 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in
exchange for a review.
This book gave me some good suggestions on how to socialize better. It discusses the positive things people can do (such as tips on how to remember names), and negative things people do (talking too much, oversharing) and how to handle them. This easy-to -read book flows well and give tips on how to address various social situations. I also learned some interesting facts about elephants and what we can learn from them.
This book gave me some good suggestions on how to socialize better. It discusses the positive things people can do (such as tips on how to remember names), and negative things people do (talking too much, oversharing) and how to handle them. This easy-to -read book flows well and give tips on how to address various social situations. I also learned some interesting facts about elephants and what we can learn from them.
Think Smarter in a Digitally Enabled Word: A 21st Century Life Manuale for Amplifying Your Knowledge, Achieving Your Potential , and Changing the World by Jay Kshatri
5 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
I learned valuable information from this well-organized book. I appreciated the helpful diagrams and love the way the chapters begin indicating where I am in the book (this helped organize my mind). I enjoyed topics such as learning to be mindful, learning how Google works, and learning how to perfect an internet search. Information about Evernotes and a variety of platforms was helpful. The resources given were excellent and great start.
America Never Promised Us Happiness - Only the Right to Pursue It by Dr. L.A Lemmons
3 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
I learned about selfishness and selfishness, and the information made me think about identity and the concept of happiness. I got ideas about how to be happy in life. The author belabored the point about the strong influence of corporations ,and although it was not written, I got the impression the author felt corporations were evil. A suggestion was made to made own gifts in which the materials to make the gifts most likely came from corporations. Since corporations are filled with working people, I would like for author to make more practical suggestions about happiness since not everyone can home schooled and the workplace has a dress code that requires people to wear shoes, for example.
Although I disagree with some of the points and interpretations, the author supported statements with examples. The book was easy to read and for the most part had a nice flow. Some of the information did make me think of happiness another way, and I loved learning a different take on life.

You Can Self Heal: How to Use Natural Healing Power of Your Mind by Anthony Wright
3 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
The beginning was a bit slow and redundant, but the book picked up pace later. The information was basic but useful. The author discussed the power of a positive mind. I love the pictures at the beginning of each chapter because they were beautiful and relaxing. This is a good book for you if you need basic guidelines or motivation.
The Seductors Series Vol. 1 : Desire by B. L. Wilde
4 out of 5 stars
I received a copy from the author in exchange for a review.
This book was steamy and fast-paced. I liked the idea of the Seductor business, and I liked the way Oliver read Jade and sparked up feelings in her. Throughout the book, I wondered if Oliver secretly knew of Jade's mission since he read her so well. I was in suspense whether he knew and if he just wanted her to see things in a different way. His release of sensitive information seemed too easy which made me suspect.
The author used repeated tags and words (such as smoldered, heated center). If she got rid of the tags, I think it would have made the writing stronger. It was evident who was speaking, and the author used enough details for readers to figure out how something was being done.
Overall, the author built up the suspense well, and I enjoyed the book. I look forward to reading the next series.
5 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
I learned valuable information from this well-organized book. I appreciated the helpful diagrams and love the way the chapters begin indicating where I am in the book (this helped organize my mind). I enjoyed topics such as learning to be mindful, learning how Google works, and learning how to perfect an internet search. Information about Evernotes and a variety of platforms was helpful. The resources given were excellent and great start.

3 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
I learned about selfishness and selfishness, and the information made me think about identity and the concept of happiness. I got ideas about how to be happy in life. The author belabored the point about the strong influence of corporations ,and although it was not written, I got the impression the author felt corporations were evil. A suggestion was made to made own gifts in which the materials to make the gifts most likely came from corporations. Since corporations are filled with working people, I would like for author to make more practical suggestions about happiness since not everyone can home schooled and the workplace has a dress code that requires people to wear shoes, for example.
Although I disagree with some of the points and interpretations, the author supported statements with examples. The book was easy to read and for the most part had a nice flow. Some of the information did make me think of happiness another way, and I loved learning a different take on life.

You Can Self Heal: How to Use Natural Healing Power of Your Mind by Anthony Wright
3 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
The beginning was a bit slow and redundant, but the book picked up pace later. The information was basic but useful. The author discussed the power of a positive mind. I love the pictures at the beginning of each chapter because they were beautiful and relaxing. This is a good book for you if you need basic guidelines or motivation.
The Seductors Series Vol. 1 : Desire by B. L. Wilde
4 out of 5 stars
I received a copy from the author in exchange for a review.
This book was steamy and fast-paced. I liked the idea of the Seductor business, and I liked the way Oliver read Jade and sparked up feelings in her. Throughout the book, I wondered if Oliver secretly knew of Jade's mission since he read her so well. I was in suspense whether he knew and if he just wanted her to see things in a different way. His release of sensitive information seemed too easy which made me suspect.
The author used repeated tags and words (such as smoldered, heated center). If she got rid of the tags, I think it would have made the writing stronger. It was evident who was speaking, and the author used enough details for readers to figure out how something was being done.
Overall, the author built up the suspense well, and I enjoyed the book. I look forward to reading the next series.
Learning Moment
I learned that I need to slow down my eating pace to minimize indigestion. I'm always eating in a hurry wolfing down food, and I need to just chill. That last episode of indigestion was ridiculous and uncomfortable. I got to slow down.TOO MUCH Z-NESS?Do you find yourself getting lazy? Maybe someone called you lazy and that you need to get off your butt. Perhaps you're not accomplishing your goals like you should. Are you blaming the government for everything? Well, it's time for you to tackle your excessive Z-ness. I hope this tip helps you.
Sometimes it takes a lot of work for people to slow their pace. I think it's important to slow down and take in the beauty of chilling out. If you find yourself darting off to thing to the next, take this suggestion:
Put on some slow music and match the rhythm accordingly with your movements. Eat, walk, dance to the slow rhythm. I tried it. It's really quite fun and relaxing.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
The Chilling Corner
Fast by Ryan Ringbloom
I received a free digital copy from in exchange
for a review. I read Wait first not knowing which was the 1st, but it was okay the way the book was structured. This is a good fast-paced high school story. It was realistic,and I felt the characters' tensions, heartbreaks, and happiness. I was aiming for Robin to speak up for herself and Ashley to find that right relationship. I wanted to get more of the guy's point of view, though. Overrall, the book was well-written. |
The Chilling Corner
Wait by Ryan Ringbloom
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
I enjoyed this book. It was fast-paced, and I like the different points of view. The book is good for young adults. Some parts were funny such as the friction in the beginning - I especially loved Ashley's interactions with Tucker on how treat Tessa. I definitely felt the tension and felt the importance of waiting.
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
I enjoyed this book. It was fast-paced, and I like the different points of view. The book is good for young adults. Some parts were funny such as the friction in the beginning - I especially loved Ashley's interactions with Tucker on how treat Tessa. I definitely felt the tension and felt the importance of waiting.
Monday, January 6, 2014
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
I like the way the story began. The story was original, but I had trouble following in certain sections. Once I got used to the dialect and writing style, I enjoyed the story more. My favorite scene was the dancing scene. I was not expecting the way it ended, so it was a nice surprise. I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
I like the way the story began. The story was original, I had trouble following in certain sections. Once I got used to the dialect and writing style, I enjoyed the story more. My favorite scene was the dancing scene. I was not expecting the way it ended, so it was a nice surprise.(less)
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I like the way the story began. The story was original, but I had trouble following in certain sections. Once I got used to the dialect and writing style, I enjoyed the story more. My favorite scene was the dancing scene. I was not expecting the way it ended, so it was a nice surprise. I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
I like the way the story began. The story was original, I had trouble following in certain sections. Once I got used to the dialect and writing style, I enjoyed the story more. My favorite scene was the dancing scene. I was not expecting the way it ended, so it was a nice surprise.(less)
Friday, November 8, 2013
I am Queen
My characters are born and I am their Creator
Love to watch them grow and become much greater
I put them against challenges to see which way they'll turn
Look forward to the outcome and discover what they'll learn
My characters are born and I am their Creator
Love to watch them grow and become much greater
I put them against challenges to see which way they'll turn
Look forward to the outcome and discover what they'll learn
- By Sherry Hill
I am a true Queen
I know my abilities
Can't help but to grow
- By Sherry Hill
I believe it's important to not be so full of ourselves. People help you along the way. So let's not be lazy about giving thanks.
I appreciate the manager at Wendy's near my workplace. He always have a nice smile and knows how to engage in good, genuine small talk . He makes me feel special like a queen. His employees are nice, too. Even though I sometimes feel guilty for eating out, I look forward to his positivity.
Because sometimes you need to chill
Tempted by Elizabeth Kelly
I enjoyed this book. The elevator scene was a bit too coincidental and cliche, but the story was a good quick read. The pacing was great, and the steamy scenes made me smile. I connected with the characters even though it wasn't much depth. The author used good dialogue and humor. I felt the story was realistic (except the elevator scene) about the thoughts of office staff - especially about the bet and hidden emotions. The book needs to be edited, though. There were some missing commas. Overall, it was a good story, and I would like to read more from this author.
For the following books, I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review:
'Twas the Night by Robin Reed
I like the funny twists in the story. This story is a nice change from the traditional storyline, and I liked Nose's new purpose. The plot and pacing was good and the similes were original. I liked when the characters were described without telling the traditional name.
Coffee Crazy by Robert Galinsky
This is a quick read about the power of coffee. Some the entries and quotes were educational. Some humorous. I especially loved the quote by Elvira.
I thought the introduction was a bit long. I felt that it should have been condensed since it seemed to drag on.Overall the book was an insightful read about what coffee can lead to. Most of the quotes ring true.
Tempted by Paul Micheals
The book was well-written and engaging. The pacing was good, and I enjoyed the twist about the characters' capabilities.
The lack of scene breaks and the introductions to chapters were a bit distracting, but overall, the book was a good read. I would like to read more from this author.
Zeru by Phillip Vargas
I received a free digital
copy from in exchange for a review.
I love the originality of using the zeru and baboons. The relationship between Gacoki and Abasi and the other weird characters made me want to read more..
The pacing was a bit slow - especially in the beginning. At some places, I was confused about the setting and sometimes had to reread sections.
I liked the way Abasi resolved the conflict at the end. The last chapter was cute and made me smile.
I love the originality of using the zeru and baboons. The relationship between Gacoki and Abasi and the other weird characters made me want to read more..
The pacing was a bit slow - especially in the beginning. At some places, I was confused about the setting and sometimes had to reread sections.
I liked the way Abasi resolved the conflict at the end. The last chapter was cute and made me smile.
Cornered -Braving Love Trilogy #1 by Ariana Gael
The book was not bad. It was an easy read and fast-paced. The Phans were my favorite characters. Although their English was broken, they had powerful things to say.
I felt the characters need to be more developed, and I thought the plot could be stronger by adding more twists or slowing the pace to add depth to characters.
There were some grammatical errors and story needs to be polished.
Overrall, I liked the storyline - just wanted more depth.
Happy Every Day - Simple, Effective Ways to Better Days by Bryan Hutchinson
I enjoyed this book. Although the information was basic, it was to the point and valuable. I especially loved the related journal prompts. I realized finding happiness is a choice and being around negativity brings me down. I tried skipping (as the book suggested) in the park, and it works - I couldn't help but to smile. I plan to be around more positive people and enjoy happiness each day.
Fragments by H. Ross Irvine
I had to get used to the style of writing (because of the lack of quotation marks for dialogue), but it was worth it. The stories are extremely fast paced (which I think it was meant to be) and made my mind flood with images. I couldn't stop reading the stories for a breath, but that was okay because the content was thought-provoking. I connected with each story whether it was uplifting or sad.
"I Hold the Crown" by Redman
Love this energetic song! Makes me feel like the queen I am.
indefatigable (adj)
When Donna was training the zombies to be more civilized, her friends admired her for her indefatigable patience.
incapable of being tired out; not yielding to fatigue; untiring.
"indefatigable." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 08 Nov. 2013. <>.
When Donna was training the zombies to be more civilized, her friends admired her for her indefatigable patience.
Learning Moment
A writing critique group member read one of my stories and pointed my characters are naked. This is not what I intended (at least not for that particular story). He stated I needed to dress my characters. Furthermore, he suggested I also "put them on stage", and that would help with positioning and gestures. His advice was valuable, and it helped me with revising. Now my story is great!
TOO MUCH Z-NESS?Do you find yourself getting lazy? Maybe someone called you lazy and that you need to get off your butt. Perhaps you're not accomplishing your goals like you should. Are you blaming the government for everything? Well, it's time for you to tackle your excessive Z-ness. I hope this tip helps you.
It's getting cool, and I don't want to get up. So many things I've got to do, yet I really don't want to face the chill. There's only so many times I could press that snooze button. Do you have this same problem? Here are some tips:
Wake up with some energetic music and put the alarm clock or cell phone across the room.
I can't program my clock radio to play energetic music, so I put songs in my head. Then I just want to dance, and that warms me up - especially if the alarm is across the room. Try it! Might work for you.
I can't program my clock radio to play energetic music, so I put songs in my head. Then I just want to dance, and that warms me up - especially if the alarm is across the room. Try it! Might work for you.
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