Bling Bling
A zombie wanted to fit in and get in the mood for spring
So he tried to sparkle and be cool by wearing some bling-bling
People stopped running from him to smile and laugh for hours
The scene was way better than the fresh air and blooming flowers
Bling Bling
A zombie wanted to fit in and get in the mood for spring
So he tried to sparkle and be cool by wearing some bling-bling
People stopped running from him to smile and laugh for hours
The scene was way better than the fresh air and blooming flowers
By Sherry Hill
Sparkle Time
Take time to sparkle
Smile more and laugh often
Reflect and love life
By Sherry Hill
believe it's important to not be so full of ourselves. People help you
along the way. So let's not be lazy about giving thanks.
I appreciate the great company at the annual Memorial Day get-together I attend every year. It was nice to sit out in the patio and converse with other people. I enjoyed the jokes, the laughing, the smiling, and of course, the chilling. The BBQ and the food was absolutely delicious. Looking forward to the next get-together!
I appreciate the great company at the annual Memorial Day get-together I attend every year. It was nice to sit out in the patio and converse with other people. I enjoyed the jokes, the laughing, the smiling, and of course, the chilling. The BBQ and the food was absolutely delicious. Looking forward to the next get-together!
scintillation - n.
A spark; a flash
A flash of light produced in a phosphor by absorption of an ionizing particle or photon.
"scintillation." Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. 30 May. 2014. <>.
The zombie started remembering his past life ever since he saw scintillating images in the night sky.
Learning Moment
I learned I relax and chill more effectively in a rocking chair. At the Memorial Day get-together, I rocked in a rocking chair while enjoying the company and scenery. The chair also turned all the way around which was really cool. I felt so relaxed and at ease. I'm going to have to purchase a rocking chair. It's so soothing to me.
The zombie started remembering his past life ever since he saw scintillating images in the night sky.
Learning Moment
I learned I relax and chill more effectively in a rocking chair. At the Memorial Day get-together, I rocked in a rocking chair while enjoying the company and scenery. The chair also turned all the way around which was really cool. I felt so relaxed and at ease. I'm going to have to purchase a rocking chair. It's so soothing to me.
Because sometimes you need to chill
3 Hours Before Breakfast: What is Getting up Early Worth and How Can You Adopt This Habit by Gopesh Sethi
5 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a
This short book has great tips which helped motivate me in waking
up early. Some of the tips I've heard before, but I also learned some new tips
which I will implement. I loved the relevant quotes at the beginning of each
chapter. The book was clear, easy to read, and to the point. The author gave
some suggestions on what could be done in unhurried time and what to do when
having sleep trouble. Although the book was a quick read, the suggestions were
helpful and made a lot of sense.
Stress Less: 10 Balancing Insights on Work and Life by Amy Freeman, Ph.D.
4 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
Most of the principles in the book I've heard before, but they are good advice. This book is good for people who want basic information or need a basic process for managing stress.
I love the different options of getting more information - such as scanning QR codes with smartphones and Youtube videos. This helps a variety of learners
Worksheets are provided. There's a reflection activity after each chapter. The author provided examples and perspectives which helped me connect to her.
I would have like more realistic options besides using friends and relatives (for example) since some may be too busy or unreliable. Perhaps a list of affordable sources would be helpful or more ideas.
The resources at the end of the book were helpful. Overall, this book is good for people who have no starting point of managing stress.
by Laura Greenwood
4 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.
This book was easy-to-read and cute. The awakening part was quite steamy, and I enjoyed the characters. The combination of fairy tales characters such as Hansel and Gretel was a nice surprise and helped add substance to the story. The drinking scene with Keira, Phillip, Hansel and Gretel was wicked and exciting.
There were some typos/spelling errors, and in some parts I felt that the author should use stronger words, but for the most part, it was an engaging story. I'm interested to know more about Keira and Phillip's relationship and more about Hansel and Gretel's story.
The Thin Places: Supernatural Tales of the Unseen by Laura K. Cowan
3 out of 5 stars
I enjoyed most of the short stories in this collection. I connected with the characters. Some of the stories were thought-provoking, suspenseful, and ended well, but I had to re-read a few stories because I was confused with the details. For the most part, I got it on the second read, but some stories I just didn't get.
I enjoyed the variety. Some stories had religious elements. Some were weird and fun. Overall, most of the stories had a definite message, but some needed more clarity.

Obliging Fairies of Love & Romance by Heather Leigh Hunt
5 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exhange for a review.
This book is so funny! I enjoyed the different types of fairies that are essential to relationships. I loved the short chapters and the drawings. I especially loved the State of Virginia chapter. There is even helpful relationship advice in this book. I appreciate the homework and ideas at the end of the book. Overall, this book made me smile, and I gained a greater appreciation of fairies.

5 out of 5 stars
I received a free copy from in exchange for a review.
This is a great collection of stories. The stories were thought-provoking and believable. They made me think of legal challenges in the future world and brought up situations I've never thought about.
There were three sections of the book, and I love the categories. The stories were a variety of lengths. Some stories were funny. Some strange.
I did have some trouble with the amount of legal terminology in the stories and I had to re-read certain sections; but the stories were so well-written and interesting that I had to read on.

Eternal Redemption by Paul A. Wunderlich
5 out of 5 stars
I received a free digital copy from in exhchange for a review.
This was an excellent novella. The words flowed well and got my attention. The descriptions and actions were vivid and captivating. I felt the pain and desperation of the characters. I was fascinated with the Devil's capabilities.
The novella ended well. Although the ending was a little predictable because of similar books I've read and the Devil's reputation, it was so well-written that it left me breathless.
Diamonds (In the Sky) - by Rihanna
This song always reminds me to sparkle. The song is easy to learn and is a great sing-along.