Thursday, April 25, 2013

Help Me to Understand


Don't Know What You're Saying

Excuse me, Mr. Zombie, but I just don't know what you're saying
I'm trying to be understanding because I know that you're decaying
Pronounce your words better, and I hate to be so blunt
But I would like to hear more than just a groan, a moan, or grunt

- Sherry Hill


Slow Down

I don't understand
I want to know you better
Slow down and relax

- Sherry Hill

I believe it's important to not be so full of ourselves. People help you along the way. So let's not be lazy about giving thanks.

Trip to Tyler
I belly danced with my dance sisters and drummers at the Four Winds Canterbury Faire  in Tyler, TX.  I had a great time! Here are my appreciations:

The Drivers - Thank you, drivers! I had a chance to sleep and write. I know driving is quite a chore - especially when paying attention to  street signs and regulations. Thank you for driving safely.

Performers -  I love seeing my friends. I wish we can see each other more often. It's always fun working with you. Thanks for helping me brainstorm ideas for my stories. See you next year!


Words to Songs

I was clapping and stomping to live Celtic music at an evening event in Tyler. I looked around the audience and noticed a man singing along. He seemed to know the words to every song! I was fascinated. I don't think I know all the words to any song (except children's songs - "Three Blind Mice" was da bomb).

For some songs, I concentrate more on the rhythm and beat rather than  the words. For other songs - I just don't understand what they're saying.

TOO MUCH Z-NESS?Do you find yourself getting lazy? Maybe someone called you lazy and that you need to get off your butt. Perhaps you're not accomplishing your goals like you should. Are you blaming the government for everything? Well, it's time for you to tackle your excessive Z-ness. I hope this tip helps you.

Well, I could look up the lyrics on the web and memorize them, but that's just too much work - especially when I want lyrics to many songs. I'll just make up some words for the parts I don't know. Are you like this?  


But wouldn't it be nice to know the words to all our favorite songs? We could clap, stomp, and sing along. That would be cool, right? Why don't we learn one song at a time? Pick one of your favorite songs and practice everyday. Sing phrases in the shower, close your eyes and see the words in your mind, sing them on your way to work, and sing the lyrics at work for practice. Who knows? Somebody might help you out.

Teenagers seem to know all the words to songs. You might ask them about the lyrics (depending on the song).

Because sometimes you need to chill


The Sculptress

This movie is based the book, The Sculptress by Minette Walters. I want to see this movie again. It was weird. And I like weird. A woman is sent to prison for killing and dismembering her family, and a writer wants to prove that the inmate is innocent. I like the power of manipulation, and I especially loved the scene between the woman and the priest. I definitely need to read the book.


For the following books, I received a free digital copy from in exchange for a review.

Passing Judgement: Short Stories about Serving Justice by Lesann Berry

The stories were beautifully written. Lesann Berry packed a lot of information in the stort stories. The twists left me thinking about human nature and decisions. I particularly liked the Thai plastic surgeon story. As I was reading the stories, I tried predicting the ending, and I was always surprised. Some stories were wordy at various spots, but for the most part; I enjoyed reading them.

Fresh Start by Sandy Kreps

Fresh Start is a good book for beginners about organization and decluttering. Most of the tips I've heard before, but the compilation of ideas was nice. I did appreciate the included links - particularly about mail. I thought the beginning of the book about goal-setting was too long. It was an easy read and I learned helpful hints. The bathroom tips were my favorite. Kids were mentioned a lot in this book, so it could be a helpful book for children assist in the decluttering process.

Deception  by Stacy Claflin

I enjoyed this young adult book. The author does a good job in advancing the story as well as developing character. It was a page-turner and a fast read. I would have liked for the pace to slow down  when Alexis was developing her skills. I loved the relationship between Alexis and Tanner. I'm looking forward to reading Betrayal, the next book in the series.


"Calabria" by Enur ft. Natasja

I love this song! But I didn't know what she was saying. I got the lyrics from the web, and this will be the first song I'm determined to learn. It will take lots of practice, but I could do it. Natasja has a unique voice that flows with the music.The instrumental version is good, too.  If you hear me singing the lyrics, don't be surprised. I'm practicing. Help me out when you can. Thanks!




verb (used with object), ob·fus·cat·ed, ob·fus·cat·ing.
to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy.
to make obscure or unclear: to obfuscate a problem with extraneous information.
to darken.
"obfuscate." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 25 Apr. 2013. <>.


Please do not obfuscate the facts about the recent zombie attacks; we need to face the truth so we can fight back.

Learning Moment

In a conversation with a trucker, I mentioned  I used to be a waitress at a trucker's motel and see certain woman hang around with a particular job description. He told me they were called "lot lizards". Some truckers even put a sticker on the windshield that displays a lizard with a bar across it (meaning no lot lizards). I did not know this. I learned something new! I'm thinking about writing a story about this. Hmmm.

Sunday, April 7, 2013



Don't be judgmental. Don't be a hater
When a zombie cleans out your refrigerator
They're trying not to eat you, but they have a huge appetite
Be relieved that they're in training. It's not you they're trying to bite

- Sherry Hill

I believe it's important to not be so full of ourselves. People help you along the way. So let's not be lazy about giving thanks.

Food at Work

One day I forgot my lunch, so I appreciated the food I got from an event at my job. Those two giant baked potatoes, topped with butter, BBQ chicken, chives, and sour cream were absolutely delicious. It was not only that day I got some delicious food, though. When cultural or community events are happening at my place of employment, food is usually involved. I appreciate the organizers who invite staff to get a plate of food. For the most part, the food is great.


Kitchen Gadgets

I was looking through my cabinets and discovered kitchen gadgets I haven't used in a long time including a  steamer, rotisserie, electrical skillet,and  food processor. Some of those gadgets I've only used two times. I thought that was ridiculous.

What was I thinking when I bought these gadgets a long time ago? I guess I was thinking I would use them all the time, but that just didn't happen. It may be that they had too many parts or too troublesome to clean.

 I do love my crockpot, George Foreman grill, and my toaster oven. Perhaps I could put the other gadgets in use.

Do you find yourself getting lazy? Maybe someone called you lazy and that you need to get off your butt. Perhaps you're not accomplishing your goals like you should. Are you blaming the government for everything? Well, it's time for you to tackle your excessive Z-ness. I hope this tip helps you.

Cooking and Cleaning

I told one of my coworkers I had a rotisserie I don't use. She asked me why. I said I don't feel like cleaning it after use. She replied and said that was just lazy. It's true. I'm  too lazy to clean it. All the parts aren't dishwasher-safe. After preparing the kitchen device and putting the chicken on it, I just don't feel like cleaning the rotisserie especially after dealing with the big mess when preparing the chicken.

Are you like this? Well, since I plan to start using the gadgets I haven't used in awhile, let me share a tip if you hate doing all that cleaning after preparing food. Here it is: You need to clean as you go.

Yeah, I know it sounds so basic. But think about it - cleaning as you go can certainly help.  When I'm making something that requires more than two ingredients, I have the dishwashing bin ready. I start rinsing dishes as I use them. I have dishwashing cloth to clean spills and debris. When I'm done with cooking, I don't have so much of a mess. It takes practice, but = you'll  eventually get the hang of it.

Because sometimes you need to chill


The Dead (2010)

The setting of this zombie movie was in Africa.  It was sad and frightening since the zombies' acting and makeup were superb. The movie didn't waste time on how the zombie epidemic got started - which I liked. I like the teamwork between the two main characters, and the ending is left to the viewer's imagination.


I received a free digital copy for the following book from in exchange for a review.

Absent Landlord by raw spoon

At first I was impatient with the book since the first chapter was slow. After about a day or so, I returned to read it and was glad I read the whole book. I enjoyed it. Some parts were sad. Some funny. I really like the way the rules of the house tied in with the human spirit. Even though the landlord was not noticed, one person decided to follow the rules with initiative. Good description of characters. My favorite character was Mumble Bum. This book encouraged me to write haikus and choose-your-own adventure books.


"Hungry Like the Wolf" by Duran Duran

Ever felt a strong sense of need that needs to be satisfied? This song is for you.



voracious - adj.
1. craving or consuming large quantities of food: a voracious appetite
2. exceedingly eager or avid: voracious readers; a voracious collector

"voracious." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 07 Apr. 2013. <>.


Although it is known that  zombies have  voracious appetites, people were still stubborn about evacuating. 

Learning Moment

Mangoes taste good with everything. They have that unique sweetness that just complements salsa, meat, salads, and more.